Love Your New Apartment? 3 Ways To Keep It Pristine

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When you find the perfect apartment and move in, you might wonder what you can do to keep it clean and well-maintained. While it is definitely difficult to keep a place in good shape, a few targeted moves could help you to get your deposit back--and enjoy your new space. Here are three ways to keep your new apartment pristine. 

1. Create A Cleaning Schedule

While creating a cleaning schedule may seem silly if you happen to live alone, doing so could keep you on track with your daily chores. Think about splitting up your new apartment in sections, and setting aside one area a day to clean. Go to the store and gather everything you need to clean efficiently and tidy up one room every single day. That way, cleaning won't become overwhelming, and you can tackle every chore on your list. 

2. Report Maintenance Issues Early

When it comes to maintaining an apartment, there's never a shortage of things to do. From air filter changes to dishwasher cleanings, staying on top of maintenance can help you to avoid sudden appliance breakdowns and other ongoing problems. 

Anytime you spot maintenance issues, report them early to property managers. Talk with them about any issues you have noticed, when you noticed the problem, and ask when they can have someone come out to fix it. Reporting maintenance concerns early helps you to create an ongoing log of improvements and repairs, so landlords don't accuse you of neglect later. 

3. Watch Where You Eat

One of the fastest ways to make any room messy is by using that space to eat a meal, enjoy a snack, or have a drink. Dropped crumbs, spilled drinks, or even smears from messy hands can damage furniture, carpet, and flooring, so focus on eating in the kitchen or dining room only.

Because eating can be so messy, clean your kitchen regularly and carefully. Wipe down counters, backsplashes, and appliance fronts. Focus on sweeping and mopping floors routinely, especially if you tend to wear shoes in your home. 

Have other questions you have about apartment ownership answered by talking with your landlord. Ask them what to expect when it comes to ongoing maintenance, and what specifically they expect when they make the decision about returning deposits. That way, you know what they want, and you can take the right steps to fulfill your obligations. That way, you know what they want, and you can take the right steps to fulfill your obligations, and you won't have to second-guess getting your deposit back.
